Long 89.20 with 88.76 stop.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Buying value - long USD/JPY 89.00
Long 89.20 with 88.76 stop.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Buying Key Reversal in USD/CAD for 1.0788 (200-DMA)
SOFIX Trend line Support broken down
Selling the Sterling Short
Weekly GBP charts and wonder what is keeping it from falling in the abyss..
previous week's low a 1.5345 is a magnet and all techs point lower - Bollinger Bands are starting to expand and that signals acceleration..
my first target is 1.52, however given previous week's range it is possible if we see acceleration to hit 1.51 - 1.5050 lows..
today we made 2-nd lower low and it logically the 1.5345 low comes in focus.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Legendary traders Dennis Gartman & Linda Raschke on Trading
USD/CAD trend channels and Consolidation formation
which one is correct?
my take is with the Marubozu last Friday and close at the low under 1.04 1.0250 opens as first target and my take is we are trading into the Faster trend channel..
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Dickson G. Watts ‘Speculation As A Fine Art’ – A Speculator’s Essential Qualities
Dickson G. Watts was the president of the New York Cotton Exchange from 1878 to 1880 and that the last 85 years (that’s a while back) have changed a lot of things, but the rules of speculation set forth by Mr. Watts are still very effective in today’s market.
His list of ‘Essential Qualities of the Speculator’ and ‘Laws Absolute” show the timeless value of his insight:
1. Self-Reliance. A man must think for himself,
must follow his own convictions. George
MacDonald says: “A man cannot have another
man’s ideas any more than he can another
man’s soul or another man’s body.” Self-trust
is the foundation of successful effort.
2. Judgment. That equipoise, that nice
adjustment of the faculties one to the other,
which is called good judgment, is an essential
to the speculator.3. Courage. That is, confidence to act on the
decisions of the mind. In speculation there is
value in Mirabeau’s dictum: “Be bold, still be
bold; always be bold.”4. Prudence. The power of measuring the
danger, together with a certain alertness and
watchfulness, is very important. There should be
a balance of these two, Prudence and Courage;
Prudence in contemplation, Courage in execution.
Lord Bacon says: “In meditation all dangers
should be seen; in execution one, unless very formidable.”
Connected with these qualities,
properly an outgrowth of them, is a third, viz:
promptness. The mind convinced, the act should
follow. In the words of Macbeth; “Henceforth the
very firstlings of my heart shall be the firstlings
of my hand.” Think, act, promptly.5. Pliability. The ability to change an opinion,
the power of revision. “He who observes,”
says Emerson, “and observes again, is always
formidable.”The qualifications named are necessary to the
makeup of a speculator, but they must be in well-balanced
combination. A deficiency or an overplus of one
quality will destroy the effectiveness of all. The possession
of such faculties, in a proper adjustment is, of
course, uncommon. In speculation, as in life, few succeed,
many fail.
These are his ‘Laws Absolute’:
1. Never Overtrade. To take an interest larger than
the capital justifies is to invite disaster. With such an
interest a fluctuation in the market unnerves the
operator, and his judgment becomes worthless.2. Never “Double Up”; that is, never completely and
at once reverse a position. Being “long,” for instance,
do not “sell out” and go as much “short.” This may
occasionally succeed, but is very hazardous, for should
the market begin again to advance, the mind reverts
to its original opinion and the speculator “covers up”
and “goes long” again. Should this last change be
wrong, complete demoralization ensues. The change
in the original position should have been made moderately,
cautiously, thus keeping the judgment clear
and preserving the balance of the mind.3. “Run Quickly,” or not at all; that is to say, act
promptly at the first approach of danger, but failing
to do this until others see the danger, hold on or close
out part of the “interest.”4. Another rule is, when doubtful, reduce the amount
of the interest; for either the mind is not satisfied with
the position taken, or the interest is too large for
safety. One man told another that he could not sleep
on account of his position in the market; his friend
judiciously and laconically replied: “Sell down to a
sleeping point.”
Dennis Gartman: "Never average a loser!"
SOFIX - Trend Channel
Friday, February 19, 2010
GBP/JPY Bear Flag?
CAD/JPY trend channel
Crude Oil gives bullish signs
US Treasury Bonds Selloff - follow-up call
Thursday, February 18, 2010
here's the hindsight 'wisdom':
1.51 > 1.35 = 1600 points with only a slight bear flag consolidation between the 2 trend legs.
legendary traders like Soros say 'in the end only trend-followers survive' and Ed Seykota also holds this view with a great attention to holding to trend positions and especially against the daytrading..
now my personal experience with trading with the prevailing trend and going for the 'easy' contra trades is that when trading along the strong /trend side - trades usually unfold easy and I'm quick to take profit and leave a big part of the move...
then I make some in contra trades but they usually are nerve consuming - need quickly to take profit since the reversals are very fast and might wipe the whole profit in 1to 4 hours bar and one has to be smart in scaling-in.
trouble for me has been I'd make some profits in congestions as with contra trades it's easy to pick a side and enter with tight stop beyond the range end - that however is tricky as I went 4 times yesty and got stopped every time since I was going against the 'freight train' - another popular adage..
the problem with trading the prevailing trend/strong side is when the move has begun most are uneasy to jump as the risk is hard to define and one might be jumping in the end of leg/move.
it's not an easy task but however I'd make this extra effort and will focus now exclusively in picking my spot in trading with the prevailing trends and will resist in going for contra trades - I write it here as a reminder for my personal decision.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Markets in a state of Trend - ETF snapshot
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Ten rules for position sizing:
1. Bet high enough to make meaningful profits when you win.
2. Bet low enough so you are ok financially and psychologically when you lose.
3. If (1) and (2) don't overlap, don't trade.
4. Don't go adding a bunch of rules that don't work, just so you have ten rules.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
10-Year US Treasury Notes - Sell!